This is usually because your bank is blocking the transaction. Please contact your bank directly to clarify what the problem is. You can also try using a card from a different provider, or pay via bank transfer.
If you’re still having problems, please contact us directly and we’ll do our best to help.
We dispatch all orders via EMS Express.
Each product page has an estimated order processing time listed. After your order has been processed it will be dispatched and you will receive a tracking number when your order is dispatched.
For specific information on your delivery progress after dispatch, please contact your local EMS operator.
Please use the VPC Configurator Light software on our website to calibrate. https://virpil.com/en/support/downloads
Do not use the Windows Game Controllers calibration tool!
Please follow the instructions in the VPC Configurator Light user manual to complete the firmware upgrade process to the latest version included in the software archive.