Hello VIRPILs!
We know there has been a lot of speculation after we posted our “A New Way to Fly” teaser in August about the throttle unit shown…
Today we’re incredibly excited to announce our VPC MongoosT-50CM3 Throttle!

The new CM3 variant of our popular MongoosT-50 series features a number of developments and improvements based on feedback we’ve received from the community. As many have likely already guessed, the CM3 features the hugely requested throttle axis detents!

The VIRPIL Controls design team have been working behind the scenes on incorporating a robust, precise and adjustable detent system that provides that satisfying tactile feedback we all want from our VIRPIL gear. After extensive testing in house, and working in collaboration with a number of testers and content creators we now have something we’re proud to present on the newest generation of the MongoosT-50 Throttle.

The VPC MongoosT-50CM3 Throttle detent system offers the versatility required by even the most demanding VIRPILs in the community. The system revolves around all-metal finger lift levers with spring-loaded return and smooth contact metal bearings.
The detent response can be adjusted in a number of ways by using our interchangeable detent plates. Each detent set features a unique response type that determines how the detent needs to be passed going into the detent range, or returning back to the main axis range. Every MongoosT-50CM3 Throttle includes the following detent sets;
★ “Classic” Detents - Lift to pass detents, push return.
★ “Classic Plus” Detents - Lift to pass detents, push return but with an additional tactile bump immediately after crossing the detent range.
★ “Warthog-Type” Detents - Lift to pass and lift to return detents.
★ “Aerobatic” Detents - Push through and push return detents.
★ “CosmoSim” Detents - Push through central detent.
Each detent can also be further adjusted by positioning them at different points in the throttle axis range so you can tailor the response to match your needs!
Adjusting or swapping the detent plates is achieved by simply removing a single screw and adjusting the position or swapping the plate entirely before replacing the screw. This simple process ensures you don’t have to settle for just a single configuration!

The VPC Configuration Software can also offer more advanced programming options by using the throttle detents to implement additional controller states, inputs and LED control.

The VPC MongoosT-50CM3 Throttle features the same ergonomic CM2 Throttle handles loaded with inputs, but now includes a redesigned lever locking mechanism. Further changes include lengthened throttle levers which now provide a greater range of motion, resulting in increased precision. There is also additional clearance to access the button panel when the throttle levers are in the idle position. The throttle axis mechanism has also been improved and strengthened.
The VPC MongoosT-50CM3 Throttle is now available for pre-order from our worldwide webstore for 369.95 EUR
For more information on pre-orders, please visit our webstore: https://virpil-controls.eu/payment-info
The first batches of the MongoosT-50CM3 Throttle are estimated to dispatch at the end of January 2021.
To thank our returning supporters, all existing VPC MongoosT-50CM2 Throttle owners (purchased from the VIRPIL Controls Worldwide Webstore) will receive an additional 10% pre-order discount code! If you are subscribed to our newsletter you will receive this via email, alternatively you can contact our support team with the email address and order number used to purchase your CM2 Throttle.
If you have any queries, please contact our support team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or create a ticket at: www.support.virpil.com
Instructions for the VPC MongoosT-50CM3 Throttle can be found on our Official Support Portal, click here.
We’re incredibly excited to continue working with the community to bring exciting and unique controller options to everyone’s hands. 2020 has been a difficult year for many, but we’ve made it through with the support of this community. Stay safe VIRPILs, we’ll see you in the skies!
VIRPIL Controls Team